Random Thoughts During A Facial

2 MINUTE READ Does anyone else suffer from endless Random Thoughts during a facial or massage making it nigh on impossible to relax during a Relaxation Treatment? Here’s how a recent facial went down with me… The Lovely Therapist: “Just lie down, shut your eyes and relax.” Me: “Ok”  Lie down, shut…

12 Midlife Crushes – The Prince, The Pool Guy…and Ryan Gosling

3 MINUTE READ When you’re young having a crush is easy. It’s either based on LOOKS – that gorgeous barman in your local, or FAME  – that bloke from Love Island or maybe even – TALENT – that guy who used to be in One Direction. When you’re a little…

I’ve Been Nominated!

I’m in The Final! No, not Miss Universe, silly! Embed from Getty Images Much more important than that – J U S T… The Funniest Blogger Category in The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards in L  O  N  D  O  N The last time I’ve been this thrilled was back in the…

9 Perfect Moments To Shout CHEERS!!

4 MINUTE READ If you are a regular Google-er or Daily Mail reader (Guilty M’lud) you’ll know that if we adopt a more Mediterranean Lifestyle – eat fish with fresh vegetables, pluck olives from trees and enjoy a glass of wine every day – we’ll all live to 104ish. Equally,…

Watch Rugby? 25 Things I’d Prefer To Do!

2 MINUTE READ Rugby Schmugby. It’s Six Nations time (again!) and I just don’t get it. Heaps of people standing about in the cold, shouting, really loudly, at 30 fully grown men who are chasing after a funny shaped ball. Here are 25 things I’d rather do… Tackle my corns Take…

3 Must-have Gadgets…and arguing with my Sat Nav

Gadgets…dontcha just love ’em. But then again, they can be so annoying that they trigger a nervous twitch.   Here’s my Top 3…and some I’d like to throw on the floor and jump up and down on FAVOURITES GHD Straighteners Whoever invented these deserve at least a Nobel Prize and…

3.17am Brilliant Brainwaves And Crazy Concerns

3 MINUTE READ Does anyone else have all their best ideas at 3.17am?  Not 3.16am or 3.18am but 3.17am… precisely. 3.17am is the moment that I wake from a lovely dream…generally, something along the lines of me and my new best friend Meghan Markle are cruising down The Rhine with…

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