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Apart from a few extra pounds, the only thing in life I collect in life are Snow Globes.
I’ve always loved a bit of tat and a mooching around a souvenir shop is a favourite parts of any holiday. Whilst friends sip Pina Coladas and watch beautiful sunsets I can be found hanging out in Souvenir Shops shaking Snow Globes.
Snow Globes weren’t always my souvenir of choice – back in the 90s was prone to buying
I lugged home all sorts – giant donkeys with Marbella printed on their ears, dinner sets with a Trevi Fountain pattern, scale models of the Eiffel Towers. I was, however, rather modest compared to some – one friend, for example, managed to pass off two electric scooters as hand luggage. Ah the good old days.
Then 11 September 2001 came to pass.
Terrorism didn’t win, but regardless, we had to all but strip down to our pants to get through security, and make do with one tiny moisturiser for a two-week holiday.
You were lucky if you could squeeze a fridge magnet or a tea towel into your hand luggage when you travelled home: Tat lovers throughout the world were forced to rethink. And that is when my love of Snow Globes was born.
Now, whenever I find myself somewhere new I buy a Snow Globe.

It might surprise you to know but Snow Globes aren’t particularly popular these days – no accounting for taste, eh! That, however, is good news for Snow Globe aficionados like myself – keeps ’em cheap. You can snap up most Snow Globes for under £5 and, even if you go deluxe – moving parts, intricate elements within the globe – the most you’ll have to shell out is a tenner.
The same however, can’t be said for all tat. Do you know that a tea towel in Paris could set you back £30, while an Anne Boleyn Doll from Hampton Court will cost you a whopping £200? Just imagine all the Snow Globes you could buy for that!
For me, Picking a Snow Globe is never an impulse purchase. I can spend half a holiday moseying about souvenir shops looking for the Snow Globe of my dreams – which can be difficult as they are generally located on the top shelf right at the back of the shop, covered in dust.
By the end of a holiday I’m on first name terms with most of the local souvenir shop owners and often I’ve shaken well over 100 Snow Globes.
When I finally find THE ONE I give it a gentle shake and watch the snow fall and in that moment I can almost hear the Hallelujah Chorus and… I have to gulp back a sob.
Once he’s got over the surprise that someone is actually buying a Snow Globe, the kindly shop keeper treats the precious little item with deference worthy of the finest of cashmere scarf. He packs it tightly in protective bubble wrap, rummages about under the counter and pops up with the the perfect-fitting little box and then put the neat little package in to a lovely little paper bag
It’s not dissimilar to buying a Bling-tastic solitaire in Tiffany’s.
My Little Collection
…sits above my desk gathering dusk. Occasionally, if I’m bored or looking for inspiration or have spent the last hour on hold to Scottish Power Call Centre I’ll glance up, and smile as recall that time in LA or San Sebastian and or rack my brain trying to remember when the hell I was in Cyprus…and suddenly all is well with the world.
I expect that by now you’ll now be fascinated with Snow Globes and can’t wait to start your own collection, so to help you on your way, here’s a list of my…
Top 10 Snow Globes of All Time…
This little beauty offers a twist of the traditional Snow Globe with dolphin emerging from inside to outside the globe. Magical.
Featuring Michelangelo’s David. This is a real collectors piece.
Compete with Elvis performing That’s Alright Mama. Elvis fans would pay a fortune for this lit’l beauty.
I debated long and hard whether I should go for a Sound of Music one but eventually opted for the Cultural Choice – A Mozart Snow Globe.
South of France
I suspect someone in Marketing had a hand in this one – it covers Antibes, Cannes, Menton, Monaco and Nice. One Snow Globe many Locations = Lots of Sales. Clever Eh!!
This is one is an inexpensive piece from early in my collection. It has a little windmill and a canal boat. Budget Buy that says it all.
A bonny wee Snow Globe from my homeland – complete with piper giving it Auld Lang Syne.
My top 3 are all interactive...
I love this. It has cute little penguins that float up and down the liquid. It’s soooo funny.
Not the prettiest of Snow Globes but lotsa fun. I’ve spent hours trying to hook the three rings around Sears Tower.
No. 1 – Rome
This is special. It features The Pope standing behind The Vatican. Unfortunately this little beauty has dried up and the Pope has come loose so when you shake it His Holiness rattles about the little globe. I don’t do that often as feels a wee bit sacrilegious.
I hope you’ve enjoyed that little tour around the Wonderful World Collecting Snow Globes. I’m pretty confident that Christie’s will be in touch about my collection in the near future – and if Louis Theroux is reading and interested in a documentary on my little hobby…you know where I am.
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I once had a Pope in a snow globe, too !
Harmless fun.
Absolutely. Thanks for commenting. X
Snow globes are awesome. I use them in my mindfulness classes. You shake them up and compare this to the busy mind with lots of thoughts. Then you stop and allow the snow to settle – and just breathe and be. So when you stop breathe and be- your thoughts don’t go away- they just settle a bit and leave you some headspace just to be in the moment with things exactly as they are!! Love your blog!! Xxx
That’s sounds amazing Clare. I must try that sometime!! . X
It must be a Scottish thing cause I love a wee snow globe! I have them from all over. I especially love Christmas ones and I’ve brought loads back from America where the love of snow globes is still alive and kicking!! 😂
Hey Corrie. It must be a Scottish thing – I t’s all that snow 😂. Thanks for commenting. Jill
Hey Corrine – it must be! It’s all that snow we love 🙄 Thanks for popping by the blog. Jill
Hi there, I’m from Germany and enjoy each of your posts! Now I will never look at snow globes the same way 😉
Have a nice weekend, Jutta
Hey Jutta it’s lovely to hear from you. Thanks for commenting. Jillx
Oh Jill
You never fail to make me lol! But actually you’ve also inspired me to start collecting snow globes of my own. I certainly enjoyed your top 10!
You just made my day!! Snow globes rock 😂Jill x
I have to respectfully disagree with the comment that Snow Globes aren’t all that popular these days.
Those who know, know.
Love your top ten. Keep on shaking!
Correct!!! You gave me a wee giggle with that comment!