Hello My Friends…hope Lockdown has been treating y’all kindly.
So far 2020 hasn’t quite gone to plan! It’s certainly given me more free time (and less income…but that’s another story) than I was expecting. After a few days of Netflix bingeing I decided to use Lockdown Time more productively – and started baking banana bread (didn’t we all), dusting my ornaments, tidying my sock drawer, and…
Playing on Instagram
…I knew you’d be proud of me!
I’d always thought Instagram was full of pout-y shine-y people posing in bikinis whilst flogging bad jewellery…and it is. But it’s also fun, and a pretty amazing place where gazillions of people are taking control of their lives by carving out careers – life coaching, making jewellery, skincare, makeup, selling crystals, wellness, fitness, diets, beauty, fashion, cooking, being a celebrity dog, cats or a Kardashian…you name it – someone somewhere is on Instagram doing it.
So I’ve joined the Instagram gang (follow me by clicking HERE) – for fun and for work (in the real word I work in PR) and have been polishing up on how to take better photographs (I still regularly cut off my head in selfies), making videos, creating graphics and what the hell #hashtags are all about.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been posting on the Instagram Grid (see I’ve got all the jargon!) using the hashtag #shopmywardrobe – which basically consists of a selfie of me (obvs!) wearing my old clothes, with the odd wry comment or two.
Now, I realise that you are kicking yourself having missed all that excitement…so just for you, here are some..
Instagram Highlights
Me Wearing Old Clothes…
Me Pretending to be The Man Who Fixes Your Boiler and Miss Marple…
Hair – Before and After Lockdown…
Weather Forecasts…
Hair Advice!!!
And there’ even Inspirational Quotes and Wisdom!
So, if you’re on Instagram you can follow me @MidlifeSmarts HERE and if you’re not, and fed up making banana bread, come on over…it’s fun. I’d love to see you there.
Much Love
For randomness & unsolicited advice sign up for Regular Updates (above right)
You’ll also find me on…
Twitter @MidlifeSmarts
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MidlifeSmarts
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/midlifesmarts
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midlifesmarts