Now that we’ve reached DAY ELEVENTY BILLION of Lockdown I’ve stepped away from Netflix and taken DECISIVE ACTION!
In a bid to break my addiction to leggings, I had a Wardrobe Review.
In the olden days that meant playing a Cher CD, opening the door of your wardrobe, rummaging through your old jumpers, pants and socks and throwing out the ones with holes. Now, in 2020, it means, channelling your inner Mary Kondo, finding out what Sparks Joy, shoving the rest into a bin bag and letting go with gratitude.
Despite the fact nothing much sparked joy I couldn’t actually bring myself to chuck out anything..hell, we don’t know if John Lewis will ever open again PLUS, if the pandemic continues much longer I might have to barter my old leopard print leggings and glittery stilettos for a tank of petrol, a few packets of penne pasta, and a Border Terrier (I soooo want one).
But, on the plus side, my wardrobe is tidier.
To top off all that excitement…
I signed up for an online course which covers all things Instagram, and promptly decided that I’d like to become an Insta Sensation…I am thinking along the lines of an older more cynical Kardashian, with freckles.
AND, there’s more…
I found A Thing on Instagram that I like called #ShopMyWardobe
In the olden days that meant playing a Cher CD, opening your wardrobe, putting on your clothes and going out. Now, in 2020, it means Saving the Planet, by not buying anything new (and lets me honest most of us have enough STUFF) and instead, wearing the clothes that we already own, and NOT GOING OUT!
But hang on… there’s a bonus. If you are fame-hungry, you can take selfies of you wearing all your old gear and post them on Instagram and then you become…an Insta Sensation.
So, just when I was thinking the end was nigh, life has come together beautifully…
I’ve stopped bingeing on Netflix
I’ve tidied my wardrobe
I’ve stopped wearing leggings
I’m in the process of becoming an Insta Sensation by wearing my old clothes
World Exclusive!
So dear reader… here is a sneak preview of my First Ever (drumroll please) #ShopMyWardrobe selfie …
It’s called the The First Sunny Day of The Year Look. Note how it craftily combines sandals and a scarf (rest assured there is ALWAYS a rain-mate in my handbag) in a pointless bid to stay one step ahead of the Scottish weather.
I expect you are now desperate to know what else lurks in my wardrobe – so Hop On To Insta (as the young ‘uns say) by CLICKING HERE and FOLLOW ME, as I fanny about something awful, and play #ShopMyWardobe (honestly, it is A Thing). I’d love to see you there.
Much Love
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I’ll have a look at this shop my wardrobe thing. Nothing else better to do haha.
Passes endless hours unproductively 😂. X
Looking fabulous Jill! And I love what you say about “life has come together beautifully”. It has a habit of doing that if we just notice the opportunities it presents us with. You have seized this particular opportunity and your wardrobe and the fashion world are grateful 🙂
Thanks Susan. Great to hear that. I’ll drop you an email. X