Meet CHRISTINE, mum to Megan and Mac the Dog, Author, Scientist, Entrepreneur, Winner of the Global Woman Inspiration Award…and Creator of The Key
What is The Key?
The Key has been described as The Scottish Secret …you know Law of Attraction stuff, but I’d say it operates on a much deeper level than that.
It is a Personal Development programme based on Success Philosophy, Spirited Principles, Ancient Wisdom and Science which helps to teach people to tap into their creative potential – I don’t just mean it’s for folks that can paint, write, draw or sing… it’s for EVERYONE.
Many people are frustrated at work because they are not doing what they want to, and were made for, and therefore are not energised and fulfilled.
The Key helps by tapping into our creative potential. We can all create anything we want, including a interesting career that we love…and fulfil our potential as people.
What did you do before The Key?
My career has been varied but on reflection the constants have been my ability to move, take chances and adapt.
After studying Industrial Chemistry at University, I went in to retail with Scottish Power, then, when my daughter Megan was little I was paying a fortune for nursery care so I decided to set up my first business, which was in childcare. Eventually I sold that and moved in to Business Consultancy to help people to create their business vision, and from there I set up The Key in 2010.
I have never been frightened of growth or changing direction and very early recognised that change is symptomatic of growth and have always embraced that.
I have always followed my internal navigation and as a result I have grown and evolved and although change can often scare people it has liberated and energised me.
I believe that every job I have had has led me to what I am doing now.
What steps did you take before creating The Key?
I applied the essential teachings of The Key to my own life – which is basically a 3-step process
1. I got clear about what I didn’t and did want and need in my life
2. I focussed my energy on my dreams and purpose.
3. And I developed an unshakable believe in myselfand my talents and skills.
Sounds simple but it was an in-depth process – which I now teach to people looking to change their lives.
How has The Key evolved?
The content of the The Key has not changed fundamentally in 10 years…because it works.
That said the business has evolved as I have evolved.
Initially, The Key was delivered by me as evening and day training sessions, as well as mentoring.

In 2012 when she was in her early 20s my daughter Megan became involved in The Key and started working with me. Together we developed The Key New Generation programme for schools to help young people unlock their potential.
Then in 2017 we organised the first The Key World Retreat to Morocco and this has now become an aspirational part of the business. The Key is taught during our 7- day retreats, which are held in amazing locations. The Key Retreats allow me to experience everything I love doing – world travel, healthy food, adventure, yoga, meditating… and The Key. It just so happens that clients love it too!

The Key’s charity, The Institute of Creation, came about, not because it was some corporate responsibility strategy that looks good, but because not everyone has the money or are in the right place to attend a public Key course…and also because this answers the philanthropic part of my soul.
You can see that The Key hasn’t grown from some big fancy Business Strategy, but rather it has grown from within me and allows me to express who I am. I am convinced that this is the key to any successful career change or move. To go where your intuition and heart leads you with trust that people will need and want what you offer and be happy to pay you for it.
Tell us about your book Grace
I started writing Grace as it seemed like a natural way to help more people understand The Key.
It is a fictional story about Grace, a young woman who is at a crossroad in her career and feels lost and unfulfilled (the story is based on my experience of working with many clients who come to The Key looking for direction and an answer). The story follows Grace on her journey to a more fulfilling life.
Click HERE
What are the best bits of your career?
I love all of it all but working with my daughter is wonderful. We have a great relationship and sometimes I don’t know who the mentor is – me or Megan! We definitely inspire and support each other.
Helping people fulfil their potential is such a joy and through the Key’s charity The Institute of Creation I have the honour of working with vulnerable women and young people in disadvantaged areas and helping them to gain confidence, imagine themselves differently and create a new and exciting future for themselves.
Oh, and I was super-chuffed when I won the Global Woman Inspiration Award in New York in 2018.

Any downsides?
It has been very difficult to balance a business that has a ‘spirited’ side to it with growing the business. These two aspects don’t always dovetail easily – that said I have found that as long as I do what I do with good intentions I can navigate myself through very challenging circumstances.
What’s next?
In January, for the first time Megan and I will deliver a course together at the UNLOCK 2020 Live event in Glasgow. This is an opportunity for people not just to plan for a new year but look forward to creating their next decade.
I have just launched The Key Online after for 18 months of development. This will now enable people to take The Key and Key to Health as online courses from their own personal dashboard in their own time and their own pace.
And in September 2020 we will be taking 14 amazing women on our Annual Retreat to Bali.
What else floats your boat?

I love walking with my dog Mac and spending time with Megan, my beautiful and incredible daughter – my best creation yet!
Yoga and meditation are also crucial in my life.
Any advice for anyone looking to change career?
1. Anything is possible
2. Think Big
If you are a mum who has been on maternity for years, why can’t you get a job in a new area like retail?
If you work in retail, why can’t you change to childcare?
If you are a scientist, why can’t you become a business woman?
If you are businesswoman, why can’t you also be a great mum?
If you are a mum, why can’t you write a book?
I call this Limitless Thinking and embracing it has moved me forward in my career and in life in general and has helped so many people who I have taught and mentored on The Key. With a tried and tested right recipe and a new thinking – opportunity is everywhere and available to us all.
Last year I had the privilege of mentoring television presenter, Jean Johansson and was thrilled when sent me this lovely quote… “I can’t recommend The Key enough particularly for anyone who wants to transform their career” High praise indeed from an accomplished woman.
Where can I find out more?
Visit my website https://unlock-the-key.co.uk or email me Christine@unlock-the-key.co.uk
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I’m so glad I came back to read another post. They Key sounds like an amazing program, as does your book, Grace. Congratulations on both. It must be wonderful being able to work with your daughter Megan. Glad to know you, Christine. I’ll return to read more of your posts. Tapping into creativity sounds right up my alley. I’ll have to explore more about your program. Thanks for sharing.
HI Christina, the post on Christine from The Key is actually a guest post. It’s part of a regular series featuring Real People Doing Stuff. I post that series every second week and one of my own posts on the intervening week.
Here’s one of my favourites older posts that you might like – it’s my experience as an Airbnb host. Thanks again for visiting. Jill x https://www.midlifesmarts.com/20-secrets-that-will-make-you-the-perfect-airbnb-host/